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Hacker Tracker | April

Written by Megan Schutz | October 11, 2024

Where are we in the world of cybersecurity? It’s easy to miss the cybersecurity threats and attacks happening right in our “backyard”. Our goal at PK Tech is to educate and offer proactive steps for cybersecurity safety. It’s important to be aware–without being afraid–of the cybersecurity threats that are real threats for your business. PK Tech aims to be a leading educator and support tool in the world of cybersecurity. Check out our monthly “Hacker Tracker” for the latest in cybersecurity hacks, breaches and updates…

Ryuk Ransomware Behind Durham, North Carolina Cyberattack | 3.8.20

  • The City of Durham, North Carolina has shut down its network after suffering a cyberattack by the Ryuk Ransomware this weekend that ultimately led to the deployment of the Ryum Ransomware of their systems.
  • This has caused the city’s 911 call center to shut down and for the Durham Fire Department to lose phone service. 911 calls are still being answered.
  • There have not been signs that data has been stolen, however the city warns users to be on the lookout for phishing emails pretending to be from the City of Durham.
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Defense contractor CPI knocked offline by ransomware attack | 3.9.20

  • A major electronics manufacturer for defense and communications markets was knocked offline after a ransomware attack.
  • The defense contractor paid a ransom of about $500,000 shortly after the incident in mid-January.
  • The company is not yet fully operational again after the ransom was paid.
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Covid-19 Vaccine Test Center Hit By Cyber Attack, Stolen Data Posted Online | 3.23.20

  • A medical facility on standby to help test any coronavirus vaccine has been hit by a ransomware group that promised not to target medical organizations. 
  • The Maze attackers apparently managed to exfiltrate data (stolen from victim), in this case patient records, and publish some of them online to get them to pay the ransom demanded.
  • The company has no intention of paying the ransom with guidance from the FBI.
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Lessons Learned From This Month’s Hacks

This month we learn cyber criminals will go to new lows to make a buck. Attacking 911 services and a medical facility working on the coronavirus vaccine right now is pathetic, and exposes a few critical operations operating with less than ideal cybersecurity postures. 

Especially now, keep defences up, users aware of new types of phishing attacks, and potentially deepen your cybersecurity stack if you’re an essential business. With less people working, falling for scams, etc., criminals are focusing on the businesses that remain open. 

Most successful cybersecurity attacks start with an employee clicking on a link in a phishing email. If you take away one thing from this blog, it’s reminding all your staff: if you receive an email with a link or attachment, ask yourself – do I know this person/vendor and am I expecting to receive communication from them? If there is ANY doubt, call the sender and confirm the authenticity of the email BEFORE clicking or opening the attachment. You could be 1 click away from putting your business out of business.

Reach out to us if you’d like to discuss this more. To contact PK Tech, click here.

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