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The 3 Key Elements of a Quality Work-From-Home Set-up

Written by Megan Schutz | October 11, 2024

Coronavirus is quickly changing the way we live almost all aspects of our life. Front and center in these changes are the shifts in work life, whether at home, the office or both. Although we see states  phasing back to in-person work set-ups, the work-from-home option is likely here to stay for a while.

While you may have approached the last couple of weeks as a temporary set-up, it’s time to consider sustainable, long-term solutions to your work from home set-up so that you’re setting yourself up appropriately  for the new future we face. 

The 3 Key Elements of a Quality Work-From-Home Set-up 

1. Security

    • Make sure employees are up to speed on basic security hygiene, including strong passwords and multifactor authentication.
    • Use encrypted messaging services for work communication among employees
    • Proper data storage
      • Establish safe data storage solutions for employees working remotely.
      • Communicate your data storage protocols with your remote employees.
      • Manage data storage with remote employees working remotely.
    • Network security: set-up proper network security with employees working from home

2. Ergonomics

    • Desk Set-up
      • Having a proper ergonomic desk set-up includes appropriate desk height, a supportive chair and adjusted monitor height. Taking the time to set this up properly at home will drastically reduce neck tension and painful muscle conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome.
    • Keyboard/Mouse
      • It may sound elementary, but having a proper fitting keyboard and mouse for work computers is a vital component of proper ergonomics. Many employees will be bringing laptops home which, if used 8 hours per day, will cause muscle and joint pain. It’s important that employees are using a mouse (rather than a laptop touchpad) if this is their primary working device.

3. Devices 

    • Dual Monitors: do you require them? Do you have them? 
      • Multiple monitors have been tied to increased productivity. Work with your employees who have multiple monitors to connect monitors and/or laptops so all devices are working in unison.
      • If the computer your employee will use at home does not have enough monitor or USB ports, consider adding a docking station that can address both needs.
    • Webcams: Webcams are especially important for Zoom and other video conferencing platforms while working remotely.
      • If your employees don’t already have a webcam associated with their laptop, consider name-brands like Logitech and Microsoft for clip-on USB webcams.

If your business needs help shifting employees to proper work from home set-ups, PK Tech is here to help. From securing networks to sourcing devices, we are your partner in a post-coronavirus work environment. Contact us here.