To Keep Your Network Secure, Use Multi-factor Authentication 100% of the Time
Curious how most cyber-criminal hackers gain access to enterprise networks? It’s simple: they steal or guess usernames and passwords.
Not all passwords are created equal. And that’s not just because you literally create your own individual password. It’s important to be informed when creating passwords for classified information because passwords really are not created equal when it comes to cybersecurity.
Employees need to be aware that creating weak passwords endangers the entire company to cyber threats. Having easy-to-guess passwords (i.e. including your name, DOB, position title, etc) make it easy for hackers to brute force your password using several common hacking techniques, to name a few:
As you begin to educate yourself and your employees on the precautions to take around password security, consider these 5 tips to strengthen your password creation.
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Curious how most cyber-criminal hackers gain access to enterprise networks? It’s simple: they steal or guess usernames and passwords.
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