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Before You Upgrade Your Technology, Ask These Questions

Before You Upgrade Your Technology, Ask These Questions

With the holiday season arriving, it felt fitting to talk about those tempting shiny objects…new technology upgrades! Beware, as it’s not always wise to fall for the sales pitch of the latest and greatest. Let’s talk about why and how to determine which upgrades might be best for you — or your business.

New technologies are exciting–whether it’s the latest Apple watch or an innovative new upgrade that will help your business run smoother. We get it. New is often better. But, it’s essential to select the right solution.

Before You Upgrade Your Business Technology, Ask These Questions:

1. How do your employees work?

Understanding the current workflow of your employees and their pain points will help you identify the areas of need when it comes to considering technology upgrades. It’s not uncommon for large organizations to unnecessarily upgrade their workers to new technologies when there wasn’t a need in the first place. Ensure you have employee buy-in and necessity before making a tech upgrade.

2. What are your business’s strengths and weaknesses?

Technologies have many advantages, one of which is an opportunity to address weaknesses and add to your strengths. By first identifying these areas, you can determine the pain points of your business and where it makes the most sense to invest in new technology upgrades.

3. Will this upgrade integrate well with existing technologies?

Anytime you’re vetting a new technology upgrade, check with your IT team to ensure it will integrate well with existing technologies within your organization. Often, new technologies are not always compatible with legacy applications or older systems. 

4. Does the new technology offer tech support?

Anytime you’re introducing new technology, tech support is vital. Make sure the company offers tech support. Even if you have an internal or external IT team, they may need to reach out to the company for tech support at initial integration.

5. Will you need to train your staff on the new technology?

New training equals additional cost and time. Make sure you understand any training required with introducing new technology. Can your organization absorb the time and money necessary to bring employees up to speed?

If you are considering a new technology upgrade, make sure you communicate with your IT team (internal or external- or both!) to ensure integration goes smoothly. If PK Tech can help, contact us here.

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