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How To Streamline Business Operations During COVID-19

How To Streamline Business Operations During COVID-19
A Guide to Keeping Your Business Running During a Global Pandemic 

Health and well-being are of the utmost importance as we’re faced with an unprecedented global pandemic. Beyond health, many of you are also navigating how to keep your business running in the midst of recommended social isolation.

So, let’s focus on the controllables. Here’s what you can be doing to keep your business and your team on track for forward progress during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Implement Remote Solutions ASAP

Video Conferencing

Internal Chat

Signatures for Online Docs


Add a Live Chat Option on Your Website

Support Your Employees Productivity

Call Forwarding

  • Forwarding work calls to cell phones
  • Have voicemail to email turned on

Keep a Normal Schedule

  • When you would’ve had in-person staff meetings or breakouts, schedule video conferencing calls at the same times to keep everyone on a predictable schedule.
  • Set an expectation that employees are online (if working remote) at the time they would’ve been at their desk at work- with no interuptions. 

Decide on a Single Instant Messaging System for Your Staff

  • Whether it’s Slack (our top choice!) or something else, decide on a solution- and decide quickly. Having one streamline source of quick communication will help your employees’ productivity immensely. 

Make Sure Employees Have the Remote Devices + Software They Need

  • Ship needed remote devices (laptops, etc) to employee’s homes to streamline continuation of work.
  • Make sure employees have access to cloud softwares or lean on your IT team to get softwares downloaded on their remote devices before they’re shipped to their homes. 
  • Give you employee a 2nd monitor, it will help their productivity immensely. 

Be Understanding of the Challenges of New Work-From-Home Environments and Support Your Employees Where They’re At

  • In unprecedented times, your employees are likely navigating the challenge of working from home for the first time–and possibly with a spouse and school-aged kids also home. Understand that your employees are juggling a lot and meet them where they’re at.
  • Reduced work loads or unique hours may be necessary for your employees to get their jobs done. Take the time to discuss the challenges and needs with each of your employees to support their maximal productivity. 

We will get through this crisis. If PK Tech can support you or your business during or after, please contact us. We understand that you may be financially strained at this time. That’s why we’re here to support you whether it’s now–or months from now. 

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