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Outgrown Your IT Guy

2 min read

38% of Surveyed Small Businesses Budget Less than $1000 a Year Toward Cybersecurity

COVID-19 has caused a growing strain on small to medium-sized businesses due to a greater need for cybersecurity in an increasingly remote work era....

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4 min read

Three Stages of IT Maturity in Small Businesses

Over the years we’ve observed a lot of different takes on small businesses using IT. With over 30 million businesses of 500 employees or less,...

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1 min read

What’s the Difference Between Managed and Unmanaged Windows Updates And Why Should You Care?

If you’re a business running Microsoft’s operating system (~80% of all companies in the world do), you likely know that Microsoft releases updates...

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2 min read

Home vs. Business-Class Computers. Why Does It Matter?

What’s the difference between your home and business class computer? Should they be the same? Different? And the most important question: why does it...

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1 min read

Office Depot Caught Offering Deceptive Tech Support

The various Big Box stores sell computers to both consumers and businesses all over the country. In addition, many of them have tapped into the Tech...

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2 min read

Is Your Business Using One Email Address? This May Be Hurting You.

Do you share email addresses with coworkers and staff? If you answered yes, this blog is for you. We’ve spoken to a lot of businesses in Arizona and...

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3 min read

5 Things Your IT Guy Doesn’t Want You to Know

We’re not asking if your IT guy is “really nice” or “funny” or “pleasant to have in the office”. We’re asking: do they properly support your...

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2 min read

What To Do If Your IT Guy Goes Out of Business Because of the Coronavirus

We’re hearing from our peers located in coastal cities first about early coronavirus-related effects on the IT industry. One IT-related topic is the...

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2 min read

I’ve had the same IT Guy for 10 years – Are they still right for my business?

We talk to hundreds of businesses in Arizona every week and have found a pattern of small companies that tell us, “we’ve had the same IT Guy for 10+...

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