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COVID-19 (2)

2 min read

What To Do If Your IT Guy Goes Out of Business Because of the Coronavirus

We’re hearing from our peers located in coastal cities first about early coronavirus-related effects on the IT industry. One IT-related topic is the...

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2 min read

New Wave of COVID-19 Cases Sees Increase in Ransomware Affecting Healthcare Industry

Ransomware has been a popular topic on our blog in 2020, and for a good reason. It continues to affect businesses and be a highly relevant and...

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2 min read

The Importance of File and Folder Best Practices: 7 Tips to Manage Cloud Storage

You may think that remote work is a temporary placeholder for a return to normal pre-COVID times–but we’d encourage you to think again. Even when you...

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2 min read

How to Support Small Businesses During Coronavirus

Small businesses across America are feeling the effects of COVID-19 government shut-downs. Some more than others, but everyone is feeling it in some...

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2 min read

5 Ways Cybercriminals Are Taking Advantage of Pandemic Anxiety

While the world follows case counts, hospitalization rates, and ever-changing local guidelines, we follow the effects on cybersecurity. From our...

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1 min read

How You Can Prepare Your Business for a Possible Coronavirus Pandemic

Preparation over fear and worry is always our focus. Here’s how we’re advising our clients to prepare their businesses for a possible coronavirus...

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2 min read

This is What PK Tech Can Do For Your Business During Coronavirus

Many businesses feel like they’re in limbo during this time: adjusting to a staff working from home, attempting to drive business during a paused...

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1 min read

Following Pandemic, Ransomware Has Increased 62% Since 2019

Since 2019, we’ve seen working environments evolve faster and more drastically than ever before. The Covid-19 global pandemic was the main culprit,...

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1 min read

The Remote Work Trend is Here to Stay. Is Your Business Prepared?

We’re over a year into the COVID-19 global pandemic, and the million-dollar question remains: is remote work here to stay? It’s a great question and...

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2 min read

If Workplace Technology is Lacking, 50% of Workers Will Quit Their Job

Benefits like paid vacation and sick leave are not enough! A new study says that if workplace technology is not up to snuff, almost 50% of workers...

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